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SoMe | Organic Social

Engage your target audience with social media.

Build strong relationships and reach out to your customers in real time.

Want to talk directly with your customers? Then social media is the way to go.

In today's digital era, social media is a crucial component for building strong brands and reaching a wide audience. By leveraging the power of social platforms, your company can enhance its visibility, build an engaged customer base, and increase sales. Sounds like a lot to manage? We’ll do it for you.


Can we help you?

Content marketing in different channels

Do you need help analyzing your target group to gain a better understanding of which platform gives the best results? There are many different social channels that you can be on, and sometimes it can be difficult to know where you should put the most focus.

Linkedin The perfect choice for any B2B business looking to generate leads and more.  
Instagram Instagram provides the opportunity to produce creative impact.  
Facebook Huge user base and market share worldwide.  
TikTok TikTok is a rapidly growing platform and is a good choice if you want to get a large organic reach.  
Twitter Share news and ideas in real time and get instant feedback.  
Pinterest Share your different styles and get global reach.  

The Aimfor social-guru

Our dedicated social media manager at Aimfor are happy to assist with anything related to socials.

Felicia Nordell Social Media Manger
Felicia Nordell Social Media Manger

Graphic design packs at flat and fixed prices with no surprises.

All of the packs below are fixed prices, providing you with the assurance that you will always get what you pay for.

Social media ads pack

17 000 SEK
30 minutes start up meeting
One carousel ad with 6 slides
One image ad
One 6-10 second video
Ad copywriting for all ads
Customization of the video ad for both feed and reel/stories
One feedback round
Full access to all project files


35 000 SEK
1 hour brief meeting
1 mood board
Three draft versions for you to choose from
Both vertical and horizontal versions of the logo
Delivered in svg, .png and .eps for web
Delivered in .eps, .pdf and .ai for print
Delivered in Pantone+ CMYK Coated for print
Delivered in SRGB for web
Customized to fit your brand profile
Full access to all project files
Two feedback rounds

Presentation template pack

30 000 SEK
Made in Powerpoint, Canva, Pitch or Indesign
Designed with your main objectives top of mind
Generic layout to fit a wide range of content
Up to 20 template slides
One hour startup meeting
Customized to your needs
One instruction slide
Templates like e.g: flowcharts, device mockups and USP slides
Designed to fit your brand profile
One feedback round
  • Additional work, such as beyond the scope of the agreement, will be invoiced according to Aimfor's standard hourly rate.


Whaaat? Can't believe what you are seeing? Rub your eyes as long as you want. We also have a module for presenting your device mockups. Position the image left or right.

We can help you with

Choice of channels

Choose the right social media for your content.


Develop strategies for your social media accounts based on your goals.


Write and create content.


Develop visual content such as photography, video, and animation.

Account management and publishing responsibility.
Analysing your results on a monthly, quarter or yearly basis.

Strengthen your brand with engaging content

Social media is a great way to engage and talk with your customers. Social media help you market your services or products and offer valuable knowledge to your target audience, as well as it strengthens your brand. An active social media account is today a must for most companies. Not just to be in the same place as their customers,
but also as a complement to other ways in which you advertise and market your brand, products, or services. Advertising on social media, SMM, without an active account, does not give a credible impression to your audience and you can lose valuable customers. Do you find working with social media as difficult? We don’t - we love social media, let us help you.

SEO - en långsiktig investering

Genom att vi implementerar SEO överallt på din sajt, får den bästa möjliga förutsättningar för att generera fler, och relevanta besökare. Det första steget för ett framgångsrikt SEO-arbete är att göra en sökordsanalys. Med hjälp av den tar vi reda på vilka sökord som är relevanta för just din verksamhet. Utifrån det vet vi vad dina potentiella kunder är intresserade av och vilka behov som finns. Då kan vi optimera sajten därefter genom att skapa en sajt som både Google och användarna förstår, i syfte att skapa ett konsekvent flöde av organisk trafik.

Med hjälp av sökmotoroptimering kommer du inte bara få fler besökare under specifika kampanjer, utan flödet kommer att vara varaktigt. SEO-arbetet är ingen quick-fix, det kräver kontinuerligt underhåll eftersom dina besökares sökbeteenden hela tiden förändras.

Se därför sökmotoroptimering som en strategi och ett arbete som ska genomsyra din verksamhet för att du ska upprätthålla relevansen på Google, och för att dina besökare ska få en bättre upplevelse.

Eftersom konsumenters efterfrågan och sökmotorernas algoritmer förändras, måste även sajtens innehåll förändras för att behålla sin relevans. En statisk sajt är ett big no-no! Via kontinuerligt utvärdering av vårt arbete, ser vi till att din sajt alltid är up to date. På så sätt skapar och behåller du statusen som ett relevant och intressant företag.


Vi hjälper dig att optimera din räckvidd i dina kanaler.
Martin ljusare-1-1


Vi hjälper dig att synas bättre i sökresultaten.
Martin ljusare-1-1


Vi hjälper dig att skapa videokampanjer via Youtube Ads.
Martin ljusare-1-1


Vi skräddarsyr din marknadsföring mot din målgrupp.
Martin ljusare-1-1


Vi hjälper dig att annonsera mot personer som visat intresse för dina produkter och tjänster.
Martin ljusare-1-1


Showcase your awesome service with quality video content.
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Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17
“When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.”
Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17
“When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.”
Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17
“When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.”
Gene CernanAstronaut, Apollo 17
“When you head on out to the Moon, in very short order, and you get a chance to look back at the Earth, that horizon slowly curves around in upon himself, and all of sudden you're looking at something that is very strange, but yet is very, very familiar, because you're beginning to see the Earth evolve.”

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